Reiki class Level 2
Reiki Level 2 – Okuden 奥伝
The purpose of the second level of Gendai Reiki is to increase the flow of Reiki running through you, enabling you to transmit Reiki of a high quality. You will work in depth with self healing and the healing of others. In addition, you will learn a series of techniques created by Mikao Usui in order to accelerate the healing processes.
The tools that Mikao Usui gave us to work with, ie the three symbols, will be taught during the class. These tools enable you use Reiki in a variety of additional ways, including sending distance Reiki, and working with bad habits and addictions.
The second level constitutes an important step in the deepening of your contact with Reiki energy, aiding you on your path towards a peaceful and serene mind, health and happiness.
There will be a Gendai Reiki Level Two class on 15th and 16th September in the Scottish Borders. Part one will be on Satuday 15th, and Sunday 16th will cover parts two and three of the class. If you would like to review any of the following topics, why not come and join us?
Part One (Sat am or afternoon):
- goal of Okuden Zenki and Okuden Koki
- the significance of Hikari
- giving Reiki with your eyes and breath – Koki-ho and Gyoshi-ho
- the concept and meaning of symbols
- why Mikao Usui developed the symbols
- why Usui developed the kotodama
Part Two (Sun am):
- Symbol 2 and how to use it
- The levels of Byosen Reikan-ho
- Reiji-ho
- Deprogramming technique
- Seiheki Chiryo-ho
- Kenyoku-ho
- Jiko Joka technique
Part Three (Sun afternoon):
- Symbol 3 and how to use it
- Anshin Ritsumei and oneness
- Solar energy training
- Distant self healing
- Healing the past / future
- Distance healing for others
- Moving beyond the symbols
- Self growth techniques
- Kenyoku-ho
- Hatsurei-ho
- Tanden Chiryo-ho
For more information, please get in touch.
If you are currently at Level One and thinking of taking the next step, please get in touch as I am holding the Saturday free to cover Part One – either a morning or afternoon session.
Accommodation is available, if required.
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