Reiki Training – Jean Jones
My western training was with Rick Bockner, one of the 22 Masters trained by Hawayo Takata. Hawayo Takata was the lady who brought Reiki out of Japan to the West. My training began in January 2001, and I gained the level of Master in 2008.

Reiki Master certificate – Western lineage
My Western Lineage:
- Mikao Usui
- Chujiro Hayashi
- Hawayo Takata
- Rick Bockner.
Lineage is important as each lineage carries a particular energy. I searched for a lineage where each master honours the integrity and grace of this healing energy, preserving the essence of the teachings of the founder, Mikao Usui.
Reiki is my passion and I continue to expand my knowledge and understanding. I worked for the Reiki Association for a number of years, which brought me into contact with many practitioners from all over the world.
My desire to have more understanding of the way Mikao Usui taught took me to Japan, where I trained in an Eastern Lineage called Gendai Reiki Ho. This system incorporates the original teachings of Mikao Usui with the best practices of Western systems. I am honoured to have trained with Hiroshi Doi, the founder. Doi Sensei is a current member of the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, which is the association founded by Mikao Usui. I completed Master training with Doi sensei in 2011.
Gendai Reiki Ho guides us to reach happiness and tranquillity. Our practice also strongly emphasises hands on healing. This incredible system holds closely to the traditional Japanese system as taught by Mikao Usui.
My Eastern Lineage:
- Mikao Usui – the founder
- Kan’ichi Taketomi – 3rd President of the Gakkai
- Kimiko Koyama – 6th President of the Gakkai
- Hiroshi Doi – founder of Gendai Reiki-ho.

Reiki certificate – Eastern lineage
I am a member of the Gendai Reiki Network (, and the Reiki Association (
I practice daily, and continue to attend events that deepen my connection and raise my energetic level. I am committed to honouring and upholding my practice, preserving its integrity by honouring the teaching passed on through the Masters in my lineage.