The energy of March 2023

We continue to enjoy this spell of collective forward movement. It’s certainly not a time for navel gazing, but a time to take action – particularly with the current emphasis on pioneering Aries. This unified forward-moving energy ends next month, so take advantage of it.
Mercury leads our mental processes through three stages this month, as he ends his journey through humanitarian Aquarius and moves into imaginative Pisces on 3rd, then into innovative Aries on 19th.
Saturn moves from left brain-oriented Aquarius into right brain-oriented Pisces on 7th, joining Neptune, and moving us steadily from logical thought to intuitive, bringing a commitment to develop and value this faculty, and teaching us to trust it too. Saturn’s influence can crystallise the more nebulous influences of Neptune.
The Full Moon on 7th is in Virgo – an earth sign. Virgo brings us back down to earth with bump so that we are able to see things with clarity – what we are ignoring or putting up with, the way our fears control us, where we are stuck. Now is the time to make the changes that will free up all that energy. The Sun is moving through dreamy Pisces now; Virgo and Pisces make a wonderful combination that enables us to envision our future so that practical Virgo can put the necessary changes into motion.
Venus begins her annual journey through practical earthy Taurus on 17th, a time when we may want to go shopping with friends for good quality items that will last, or choose to work in the garden together or stroll in the woods, eat out together, or go for a pampering session together.
Jupiter continues to move steadily forward through pioneering Aries, encouraging us to be bold, and giving us the courage to meet challenging circumstances head on. He continues his conjunction with the wounded healer Chiron until 18th, supplying the courage necessary to dig deep to find the cause of current wounds, so that they can be healed once and for all. Carpe diem.
Having hopefully cleared the decks at the Full Moon, the New Moon on 21st in Aries signals new beginnings. This is a fiery New Moon, full of action and energy, so it behoves us to take full advantage of this if we wish to implement change in our lives. Think of where we want to be this time next year and make a plan, then commit to implementing it. Whether this is falls in our career, relationships, or spiritual path, diary some milestones to keep the dynamic energy on track.
Simultaneously, the Sun moves into Aries, providing the impatient physical energy and courage to initiate plans, to forge a new path. The Sun can be intuitive here, but Aries’ impulsive nature can rush us into taking premature action. The increased vitality and physicality can be something of a relief after the month-long spell of Piscean lethargy and introspection.
Pluto takes the first tentative step into Aquarius on 23rd – not that Pluto ever does anything tentatively! His energy in Capricorn has been to undermine structures, whether they be out there in government or big business, or in our own lives. This stay is short-lived as he turns retrograde and moves back into Capricorn in June, but this short spell in Aquarius gives us a glimpse into the energy of the next 20 years, so be open to picking up the clues, intuiting the incoming energy. Pluto can be one of the markers by which we mark phases in our lives, and without doubt, a new phase is upon us.
Mars moves into Cancer on 25th for a couple of months. Water signs are not a comfortable place for Mars, their energies are so different to his fiery nature. Cancer’s emotionalism can make it very difficult to handle anything in a dispassionate way, but on the plus side it is a great energy for matters that protect home, hearth and loved ones, and for handling domestic matters that call for courage and decisive action.
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