Health & Harmony

Bringing Reiki, life and wellbeing to Galashiels and the rest of the Scottish Borders


The energy of November

1st – Samhain – when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest, perfectly suited to working with the Scorpio energy with which the month begins.  Intense Scorpio energy is helps us explore our deep hidden sides, and that has the potential to lead to transformation … if we are willing to delve into […]

The energy of May 2023

       1st – Beltane, a time to celebrate life, and the day that Pluto stations retrograde in Aquarius before revisiting Capricorn next month.  We will feel the return to Capricorn energy approaching as he draws inexorably nearer.  His energy has been so big recently, anyone with a prominent Pluto in their natal chart or sensitive […]

The energy of April 2023

April begins with a Venus – Uranus conjunction, energising our social lives, bringing the unexpected, or the desire for freedom, so relationships may not be entirely stable just now.  Uranus can bring the exciting or the downright explosive, so best to wait until next week, then check the validity of feelings, especially about relationships.   We […]

The energy of March 2023

We continue to enjoy this spell of collective forward movement.  It’s certainly not a time for navel gazing, but a time to take action – particularly with the current emphasis on pioneering Aries.  This unified forward-moving energy ends next month, so take advantage of it. Mercury leads our mental processes through three stages this month, […]

The energy of February 2023

The time for review, rest and repair is officially over, all planets are now moving in direct motion.  This is like a green light from the universe to move ahead with our plans without having to navigate the delays and obstacles that retrogradation brings.  The time for procrastination is now behind us.  Phew.      Mars […]

The energy of December 2022

There is a strong Sagittarian energy at the start of December.  At this time of year, the body that holds our Solar System in place, the Sun, aligns with the Galactic Centre at 27° Sagittarius – a point that contains the mass of about four million of our Suns, that is believed to radiate at […]

Saying goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021 – planetary energies that are around us

• Ahhhhh … that is the sound of our collective sigh of relief as the Jupiter Pluto conjunction of 2020 comes to an end, and our shoulders start to return to their normal position.  Pluto symbolises the unconscious forces that motivate us, the courage we need to face our shadow side, also to face the […]