The energy of June

4th – Full Moon in Sagittarius, often called the Strawberry Moon – the last Full Moon before this month’s Summer Solstice. This Moon helps to illuminate our way forward, tie up any loose ends from the first half of the year, and decide what we want to create during the second half of the year. The Sun is in Gemini bringing in themes of talking with others, listening to other perspectives, finding our truth, asking questions, making changes, and inspirational Sagittarius shines a light on anything that holds us back or confines us. It is important to speak our truth now, to follow our intuition, to lovingly release anything that holds us back … in order to make space for the new beginnings that will follow during the second half of the year.
6th – Venus enters Leo for an extended visit this year due to the fact that she turns retrograde next month. Heart-based Leo is an expressive place for the love goddess, making it easier for us to be extra warm-hearted and generous, shower ourselves and our loved ones with attention, which makes them feel special. Wow, make the best of this one, I feel a little pampering is in order.
11th – Mercury trine Pluto – this is the perfect time for doing research, getting to the bottom of anything that is bothersome, for thinking deeply and studying. This influence is also great for doing shadow work, looking into, and honouring, those places within that we prefer to project onto others rather than own in ourselves. Also for owning those bright sides of our unacknowledged selves, the special gifts and talents that our loved ones recognise in us but we often fail to see.
Mercury moves into the sociable sign of Gemini, which is the sign he rules, therefore they complement each other, and their natural themes flow well. We may find our thoughts travelling at lightning speed, our words flowing easily … though we may perhaps be a little more prone to the odd white lie. Mercury is the trickster of the zodiac, after all. A great time for working on writing projects, for reading, studying, making music, and catching up with friends.
15th – Mercury square Saturn is a time for hard work, for dealing with the less fun sides of our lives, for taking care of our duties and responsibilities. Not a great time for writing a comedy script, but definitely a gift for buckling down to some serious work or study.
17th – Saturn stations retrograde. As the station approaches, we feel the weight of our responsibilities, and life can feel oh so heavy. We are seeing things through a different lens, and certainly not a rose tinted one. As with all retrogrades, the time is ripe for reassessment and review, Saturn is our great teacher and wants us to reduce and simplify our lives, to check that we are heading in the right direction and have not been taken off course by life events during the last year. If reflection shows that we have veered off course, then this is the time to make adjustments.
18th – New Moon in Gemini. New Moons often call us into stillness and renewal, but this one is busy getting things done. This Gemini Moon is calling us to gather information, to learn, grow, to make needed changes, to move steadily forward as our way becomes clearer.
21st – the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. We stand at the threshold of the second half of the year, the highest point in our journey from darkness to light, symbolically reminding us to work on and nurture our inner light, and to know that when we do so the light within us can reach and inspire others.
22nd – Sun moves into Cancer, when thoughts of home and family are prominent. We are naturally more protective now, more nurturing, and feel the urge to ensure safety and security for ourselves and those we love. Our emotions run deep when the Sun is in this caring, empathic sign, and we are more aware of the Moon’s influence too.
30th – Dreamy Neptune stations Retrograde giving us an opportunity for doing deep spiritual work. He is particularly at home in Pisces, the sign he rules, and so this double underlines the intuitive and spiritual opportunities that are open to us now. Issues may come up from the past that are asking for resolution, health niggles may be difficult to identify, even though our intuitive gifts are enhanced.