Health & Harmony

Bringing Reiki, life and wellbeing to Galashiels and the rest of the Scottish Borders


Archived Page : Aqua Detox

Aqua Detox This amazing treatment involves placing the feet in a foot spa of warm water. A highly sophisticated array is placed into the water, which causes ionisation of the water and helps to re-balance the body’s electro-magnetic forces. During the treatment, gas bubbles form around the electrodes indicating that an electrolytic reaction is taking […]

Archived Page : Reflexology

Reflexology Reflexology is a traditional healing method, dating back at least 5,000 years when the Chinese were known to have practised a form of pressure therapy similar to acupuncture. Foot and hand reflexology were being used by the ancient Egyptians in about 3,000 BC as depicted in the wall painting below, which can be found […]

New Website Launched

Health & Harmony has changed! The website has had a makeover and plenty of fixing under the bonnet. The following posts will contain the information displayed on the old website.

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