Health & Harmony

Bringing Reiki, life and wellbeing to Galashiels and the rest of the Scottish Borders

Can you measure Reiki in some way?

Reiki Research – there is quite a lot of Research being done into Reiki nowadays, which is good news for us as practitioners, as we are often asked ‘how do you know that Reiki works?’, or our internal ‘Doubting Thomas’ has us wondering if anything is really happening when we lay our hands on someone.

The first item I have included is from Melinda Connor Ph.D. from the University of Arizona. Watch out for more snippets arriving in the new ‘Research’ category.

‘Reiki is often regarded by practitioners as being a ‘hot’ energy. They feel extra heat as Reiki flows.

The Healing Light of Reiki

The Healing Light of Reiki

The University of Arizona has used an Extra Low Frequency meter to see if it could pick up heat changes in the body. When practitioners reported that they were flowing Reiki, the ELF (extra low frequency) meter picked up significant increases in emissions from e.g. the palms of the hands. The emitted energy was more marked in people who had studied to third degree/master level.

Researcher Melinda Connor said: ‘We have discovered a number of things: First, that master healers seem to be emitting at the same time in the extra low range from 20Hz – 1000Hz, in the ultra violet, the visible light, the infrared, the gamma and x-ray and at the 3 GHz range.  I do not have the equipment to map more ranges yet. So it turns out that potentially millions of frequencies are being emitted from a single cell.”

Arizona University recruited only highly regarded and experienced Reiki practitioners for its research who also were regularly giving Reiki.

Communication from Melinda Connor Ph.D.
Dr Connor is a psychologist, and the Director of the Karen Connor Optimal Healing Research program at Dr. Gary Schwartz’s Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona. Dr Connor also took part in the film ‘Something Unknown is Doing We Don’t Know What.’

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