Health & Harmony

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Archived Page : Hopi Ear Candles

Hopi Ear Candles

Wax and sebum are normal secretions in the ear as they are antibacterial, fungicidal, have antibodies and are bactericidal. They are present to prevent foreign materials, insects and microbes from reaching the eardrum.

Wax impaction is not a normal condition, and has many symptoms, including:

Based on a traditional formula, which originated with the Hopi Indian tribes in Arizona, the candle’s ingredients are impregnated in the cotton and vaporise when the candle is lit. The vapours are drawn down the hollow centre of the candle into the outer ear – in effect like a chimney. A mild suction occurs and the heat of the released, circulated vapours inside the ear gently massages the ear drum, which helps to regulate the pressure systems within the head. The circulation of the herbally-enriched vapours within the external ear will soothe irritated areas, stimulate tiny reflex points around the ear, and stimulate peripheral blood circulation to ear and upper respiratory system, intensify the immune system, strengthen the work of the lymph glands and stimulate energy points on the external ear.

The treatment is not painful and you will experience a warm feeling with irregular crackling sounds as the candle’s herbal ingredients vaporise and the candle burns down – this sounds a little bit like bacon frying.

The gentle facial massage that follows candling is part of the overall treatment and is carefully designed to:


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