Reiki in OR
Reiki Mawashi in the Operating Room

Reiki in the operating room
Cordoba (or Cordova, as we call it) is a city in Andalusia, southern Spain. Cordova lies on the banks of the Guadalquivir, which is the second longest river in Spain, and at the foot of the Sierra Morena mountains.
Cordova has two hospitals to serve its 330,000 inhabitants. The photo shows the doctors and the whole surgical team in the main hospital, gathered in a circle of healing. This is their practice before any surgery. The team use Reiki energy to ensure that the operation is for the greatest good of the patient.
Isn’t that wonderful!?
Reiki Mawashi is one of the traditional techniques that Mikao Usui taught, and has been practiced since the beginning. Mawashi means circle, or circulation.
We perform Reiki Mawashi so that:
- your internal Reiki energy circulates and is stimulated to purify quickly
- to manifest good healing
- to increase your sensitivity to perceive energies.
This is how it is done:
- each person holds the hands of those beside them to make a circle.
- to start with an anticlockwise movement, each person places their left hand facing upward and their right hand facing downward (both thumbs pointing to the left).
- change to the opposite (clockwise) direction, by reversing your hands. Enjoy feeling Reiki energy flowing from hand to hand.
- hands do not need to touch, a little space may be left between them. The Reiki energy flows as fast as light.
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