Reiki, Aikido, and Zen 1.
Between the two concerts at the Gendai Reiki Network International Conference 2012, in Kyoto, there were three presentations on the subjects of Reiki, Aikido, and Zen Buddhism. This part of the conference was open to the public and so the presentations were offered so that all present could understand without having any deeper knowledge.
The first presentation was given by Hiroshi Doi, founder of Gendai Reiki, on the subject of Reiki.
Firstly, Doi Sensei explained that yui (the name given to this part of the Conference) means connection. He explained that just to use the word brings the connection, and he hoped that this meeting would bring long-lasting connections between all of us and the topics we would be hearing about today.
Doi Sensei told us that he was born 1935, and showed us some photographs of his childhood and early life – he was an extremely good looking young man. He then told us a little about Mikao Usui, in order to set the context out of which Usui Reiki Ryoho was born. Usui Sensei was an enquiring and gentle man, he was passionately interested in discovering the meaning of life, and learned over 30 healing modalities before he undertook the arduous practice of fast and meditation on Mount Kurama, where his journey with Reiki began.
His experience on the mountain, and his subsequent meditations and working with the energy informed him that this was the ‘reiki’ that he had heard and read about all of his life, now he was actually experiencing this reiki energy in his own hands and body. Usui Sensei didn’t set out to found a healing practice, however he noticed that when his resonance with the universe reached the peak, healing occurred. He fully understood what a huge gift he had received from the universe, and felt that his task from then on was to share the gift with as many people as possible. Usui Sensei founded the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai, as an association not only for offering healing sessions, but also for teaching Usui Reiki Ryoho to others. This year, it is 90 years since Usui Sensei started the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.
Doi Sensei explained that although it is important to be healthy, this is not the ultimate aim of Reiki. Good health creates ease in your life and allows you to follow your path of spiritual learning. However, if we are irritated and angry, we are not receiving the benefits of Reiki, and maintaining a positive state of mind.
Reiki Ryoho is a union between your own energy and the healing energy of the universe, with the ultimate aim of attaining a serene, peaceful, joyful state of mind.
Doi Sensei lead us in a beautiful and powerful meditation. He explained that Usui Sensei did this after receiving Reiki from the universe, although not necessarily in exactly the same way. He invited everyone present to participate, whether or not they had received Reiki Ryoho training, as the meditation would bring about an attunement of each person’s energy with universal energy. The number of Reiki trained people present would raise the energy to high levels, so much so that even those not trained in Reiki Ryoho would be able to feel the energy. The energy in the room was huge, and blessed each of us present.
There was a young man present who was on a year’s exchange teacher assignment from the USA. He approached us after the event, full of curiosity and questions about this Reiki that he had never even heard of before. He had just happened to be passing the hall and saw the posters outside, noted that there was to be a talk on Zen and a concert, and decided on the spur of the moment to buy a ticket. Ben spent the next couple of days with us and as we were returning from our trip to Mount Kurama, he made arrangements to attend Doi Sensei’s next training seminar.
For more information about Gendai Reiki see:
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