Gendai Reiki – new manuals available
Reiki – Ancient Healing for the Modern World

Gendai Reiki Manuals
Scientific studies tell us that the entire universe consists of vibrations or waves. We are surrounded by vibrations and are, in fact, vibrations ourselves. Reiki is one of the vibrations that fill the universe.
The existence of an energy that guides everything towards harmony has been recognised in various parts of the world since times immemorial. In Japan, this energy has been called Reiki and has been employed for healing purposes since ancient times.
Reiki-ho is a practice that enables us to employ the energy of Reiki for the purpose of making our lives peaceful, fruitful, and meaningful.
Mikao Usui Sensei was the founder of Usui Reiki Ryo-ho in 1922. The system that I teach is Gendai Reiki, which is not a new system; it is a way of practicing that is more suited to people living in a modern world. The purpose is to heal the mind and body while supporting spiritual growth. This is the essence of Reiki-ho. Gendai Reiki teaches us that the purpose of life is to realize true happiness. This mirrors the practice of Usui Sensei, who taught openly in order to share the joy and happiness of Reiki with as many people as possible. This is a worthy aim, and one I emulate.
Once you have learned Reiki yourself, while making progress in your practice and devoting yourself to healing yourself and others, you will naturally advance on the path to happiness. This is the true spirit of Reiki. It is truly life-changing.
For the past few years, Hiroshi Doi who is founder of the Gendai Reiki Healing Association, has been reviewing and updating his teaching manuals. There is new information included in the updated manuals, and the style is informal and easy to read. The manuals are given to each new student during their class.
Please get in touch if you would like further information, or see ‘Dates for your diary’ for dates of the next class.
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