Gendai Reiki Class – Spring

There will be a Level I Gendai Reiki Class on the weekend of 4/5th May 2019. 10.30 to 4.30 each day.
Gendai Reiki makes this ancient healing system available for the modern world.
The class will be relaxed and informal, sitting together to learn and discuss this beautifully simple Japanese healing system. We will spend time doing hands-on practice, both on ourselves and each other, and explore how to work with animals, food and plants. Questions will be welcomed.
Please wear something comfortable as you will be sitting quite a lot, also getting on and off the Reiki table.
Tea, coffee, water and nibbles will be available. Please bring your own lunch.
Gendai Reiki-ho Level III – Shinpiden Saying goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021 – planetary energies that are around us
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