Health & Harmony

Bringing Reiki, life and wellbeing to Galashiels and the rest of the Scottish Borders

Gendai Reiki Master Training with Hiroshi Doi Sensei

Following the International Conference in Madrid this October, Doi Sensei is offering a Master Training course.

Hiroshi Doi speaking on the subject of Reiki

Hiroshi Doi speaking on the subject of Reiki

This is his special Integrated Training Course for Masters, it is open to:
1. Students of Doi Sensei’s.
2. Persons who are Gendai Reiki Ho Masters, who trained with a Master other than Doi Sensei.
3. Persons who have Level 3 training from any Reiki school, who will receive Master training for the first time.
4. Masters who have trained in other schools of Reiki and wish to become Gendai Reiki Ho Masters.

The seminar will take place on 15th and 16th October 2015.  There will be translation into Spanish by Gendai Reiki Master Rika Saruhashi, also translation into English by Gendai Reiki Master Fumi Koji.

This is Doi Sensei’s last trip outside Japan for Reiki activities, therefore it is a great opportunity for us to train with him in person without travelling to Japan.

If you would like more information, please contact the organisers direct at





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